Halfacre Construction Company Hires Three Riverview High School Graduates

From left to right, Solano Benitez, Ricky Jackson, and Tyler Moses

Launched at the beginning of the 2022-23 school year, Riverview High School was the first in the area to develop its own program to utilize hands-on experiences in the construction and trades industry alongside the National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) curriculum to meet industry standards. Upon completion of the program, high school students graduate with industry recognized credentials and access to local internships, apprenticeships and jobs. Once the high school opened enrollment for the four-year program, it quickly reached its capacity of 60 students and a waitlist started for additional interested individuals. After the three seniors graduated in June,

Halfacre Construction Company hired them as full-time assistant superintendents. The commercial construction company was the only contract manufacturer to hire from the construction technology program. “When we started working with Riverview High School to transform the art lab into a functioning shop for students to utilize for this program, it was our dream to one day hire some of these students,” said Jack Cox, president and CEO of Halfacre Construction. “We actively try to recruit and retain young talent for the construction industry, and we’re honored to be able to provide industry-specific training for those interested.” Cox, a lacrosse coach at Riverview High School and a dedicated community advocate, has focused Halfacre’s corporate culture on supporting the local community through giving, fundraising, donating building projects, offering the youth opportunities to learn about the construction industry, and serving on nonprofit and organizational advisory boards in order to improve the quality of life in the region.

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