

Mr. Jack Cox
Halfacre Construction Company
7015 Professional Parkway East
Sarasota, FL 34240

RE: Bonding

Dear Jack,

I have worked with and have written bonds for Halfacre Construction for more than 15 years. During this time, there have been numerous bid, performance and payment bonds issued which total well over $300,000,000. I have never received anything but favorable comments from owners, subcontractors and suppliers regarding your performance and other obligations.

Berkley Surety Group, through its affiliate Berkley Insurance Company, is proud to provide surety credit to Halfacre Construction. Based on current information, your company has the ability to provide bonds for individual projects in the amount of $80,000,000 within an aggregate program of $120,000,000. These limits are subject to our normal underwriting at the time of any request. Berkley Insurance Company has an A.M. Best rating of “A+” (Superior) and a financial size of XV.

Berkley Surety Group is an integral part of the W.R. Berkley Corporation, domiciled in Greenwich, CT. The W.R. Berkley Corporation is a well-respected and successful Property & Casualty Company distributing products in 19 countries around the world.

If anyone has questions regarding our support of your company, please feel free to have them call me directly at (407) 867-4595.

Best regards,

Mike Battenfield
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